19 October 2008

Carb heaven

I have no bread in the house and since I'm fundamentally lazy, not to mention I try not to buy stuff on Sundays, I had to make bread today. This is the same bread my mother made every week when we were growing up, mainly because she thought Wonderbread was of the devil (but what fun to squish) and we were on the lower end of the socio-economic ladder for many years. So the delightful warm smell of fresh baked bread is wafting through my house and all I want is to take one toasty loaf and a stick of butter and retire to my room. I'd be in a carb coma, but it would be a very happy coma!

1 comment:

  1. Bread, too? After taking on all the home projects? Be careful, or that Holly Homemaker label might stick! It's great to hear that you are doing so well. I'm awaiting fabric and a pattern in the mail to make an apron! PAH!


Okay, GO!