30 August 2009


I've finished day 5 of 6 straight that I am scheduled to work and they have been 5 of the most hellish days of my career. Well, today wasn't too bad. Actually had time to answer some email during work. First time I've even logged into my email since I started this run of days. Had another postpartum hemorrhage with the same anesthesiologist and scrub nurse and I came in to help. Because now that we've done three of these in a month and a half; we're getting pretty damn good at them.  This chick actually had a blood pressure the whole time, so it was really no big deal in the grand scheme of things.  My point here, is I feel like I could be a cast member in anyone of my favorite zombie movies.  Scratch that.  Only in the ones where the zombies shuffle along.  I don't have the energy to move faster than that and I don't feel the need to communicate more than moaning with an occasional grunt for emphasis.
Night all.

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