11 September 2009

Remember the Day


  1. Don't know why I feel compelled to write you, except that you remind me of myself when I was younger, and all of my female relatives were RN's. My mother, who graduated from TG School of Nursing, was the head nurse in the Nursery for many years. That was when the nursery actually cared for babies and let the mothers have their last days of freedom. The babies were brought in to feed if you felt like it, otherwise you were free to gossip with your ward mates (bash husbands') and just smoke and have fun!! Ahh...those were the days. My mother told stories that I think you would appreciate. One was about how during surgical rotation the Doc's would make the nursing students wipe the blood off of their shoes on their hands and knees. (good training) Thank God the world has changed a good bit, but really, when you think about it, we haven't come such a long way baby.

  2. Anon,

    Thanks for dropping by! Some of our older nurses graduated from TG as well, before they disbanded the program. They definitely have some stories that seem crazy to me now...right up there with the karate kid style cleaning of the shoes that you mention. Those silly docs!


Okay, GO!