10 May 2008

Tweaker wannabe.

As it turns out, they decided they didn't need me after all. One problem. I can't freakin' sleep! I don't know what kind of effect you get from meth, but if the soccer moms just want to be able to get more done, they should just try the straight pseudoephedrine. I may have slept for 40 minutes. And now I'm doing my tweaker impersonation: mopping the floor, doing laundry, answering email, and a little bloggin'. At 4 in the morning with no fatigue in sight. Perhaps taking the 12 hour extended release 3 hours before my intended bedtime was not the wisest choice. I'm expecting to be cleaning the baseboards with a toothbrush any time now. However, I can hear out of my right ear now.

On a good note: college roommate that I haven't talked to in years called last night. There is just something about talking to someone who knew you before you were respectable. Or semi-respectable...whatever.

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